The Pez Dispenser - Season 3, Episode 14 (1992) from Best Seinfeld Episodes

"The Pez Dispenser" is the 31st episode of the sitcom Seinfeld. The episode was the fourteenth episode of the show's third season. It aired on January 15, 1992. The episode was written by Larry David and was directed by Tom Cherones. The sudden appearance of Jerry's Tweety Bird Pez dispenser causes Elaine to laugh loudly at a piano recital given by George's girlfriend. Kramer creates a cologne that smells of the beach. Jerry hosts an intervention for an old friend ("Richie Appel," an inside reference to comedy writer and Simpsons producer Richard Appel) with a drug problem. Jerry's friend developed a drug problem because Kramer told him to pour Gatorade on Marty Benson's head after winning a softball game; the coach developed pneumonia and eventually died. George is troubled over the fact that he has no "hand" (upper hand) in the relationship, and fears his girlfriend will break up with him. Acting on "genius" advice from Kramer, George "preemptively breaks up" with her, causing her to want him more and thus giving him the "hand." Later, at the intervention, George's girlfriend hears Elaine laughing, realizes that it was Elaine who ruined her concert (although Elaine blames it on Jerry), and walks out on George. Later Jerry relates that Richie agreed to enter rehab after seeing the Pez dispenser, which brought up a childhood memory and caused him to admit his drug problem. Jerry then mentions that Richie is doing great in rehab, but is now addicted to Pez.