Black Sabbath (Best Bands) from Best Bands of All Time

Black Sabbath is a top band when it comes to heavy music and heavy metal in particular. Since the origin in 1969, Black Sabbath have influenced the whole industry, setting the beginning of doom metal and reaching the mark of 70 million sold albums as of 2000. Ozzy and the crew know how to do crazy stuff.
Godfathers of Metal, Lords of Doom, the musical importance of Sabbath can not be overstated. Over the years, they were able to handle a number of changes in vocalist with a wide variety in styles and delivery, and still consistently produce top-shelf metal albums. All great musicians, guitarist Tony Iommi in particular is cited by almost every hard rock/metal guitarist since as a major influence, and Geezer Butler is one of the top 5 rock bassists of all time.
What can I say? The soundtrack from my growing up, and beyond.
Paranoid is great but their debut may be my personal favorite. Their first 6 albums are all classic and that is a string of greatness very few can say. It wasn't Sabbath after Ozzy left but RJD had his moments. Heaven & Hell is pretty great album that belongs alongside the earlier albums as a classic. It probably would be more highly regarded had he not been replacing Ozzie and instead gone under a new name (which they did later), something Zack Wylde alluding to.
The Godfathers of Heavy Metal according to many people. I fully agree with them, they had a distinctive sound not many bands had when they first came around. If someone was to start listening and getting into to Heavy Metal for the first time and they don't know what band to pick, this is where they start first.
Love every song on their first two albums, have their 3rd not into it that much. Seen them live in 2013 and it was great, especially Tony Iommi playing the guitar! Top quality guitarist in his genre.
Unremittingly very loud and very heavy, Black Sabbath are arguably the originators of the prototype ‘heavy metal’ sound and image. Their uncompromising sound, lyrics and image was full of dark foreboding and references to the black arts and the occult. This format has been copied by countless other bands but Black Sabbath were the originals. The Sabbath were never really taken seriously by the critics and it is true to say that the music is somewhat primitive with Tommy Iommi’s slow riff laden guitar sound and Osbourne’s trademark vocal wail often ridiculed. Having said that the band were incredibly successful, achieving consistent UK and US chart success throughout the early 1970’s and few groups have such a loyal fan base that is still as passionate about Ozzy and the boys as they ever were.
One of the true greats, loved the tuned down sound although changed after the 'Ozzmeister' left. Only let down was Forbidden, a truly awful album. Their new album shows they've still got it, Ozzy can barely string two words together, but oh boy can he can sing.
Great band - possibly the most important heavy metal band ever. Don't agree with the ordering on this one - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath is their classic album - more riffs than most bands in a lifetime
This band is immortal in my book. They have such a solid discography of metal it's unbelievable, plus they did it first... or at least the best that the early bands did it. My favorite album is Sabotage (I know, I'm probably the only one). Stuff was great with Ozzy and with Dio. Iommi is a metal god.