Rush from Best Bands of All Time

Some say. Rush is the best band ever in Canada. Emerging in 1968, these guys have taken progressive rock and heavy metal up to a new level. Crazy number of 20 studio albums gives the fans a ton of material to listen and love the Rush even more. The legacy of this guys is going strong.
I've never much liked Rush. The vocals are always so annoying, and I strongly dislike their style playing their instruments. I like prog rock, but not this.
Probably had the greatest impact on me out of any artists I've heard
My favorite rock band for almost four decades now. Nowhere else will you find unsurpassed musicians at every position, epic and challenging compositions, and such thoughtful lyrics. These guys are, and probably will be, completely untouched as a complete outfit.
Didn't get into them until my friends turned me on to them (and some newer music) lately ^_^ I don't really like the singer's voice but the drummer is fun.
Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson and Neil Peart surely are highly skilled and intelligent musicians, although I'm not a big fan of Geddy's voice. My favorite thing about Rush is probably the bass lines and guitar riffs. Favorite album: Moving Pictures Favorite song: La Villa Strangiato
Some of the most talented musicians ever, except the singing is annoying. Good, influential progressive rock music, but nothing exceptional.
An amazing band that contain three very talented musicians, they have produced great records and great live shows. Always a pleasure to listen to them
For the period up to and including Moving Pictures Rush were one of my favourite bands. Since then I just can't get into them. Believe me I've tried
Rush is one of the most amazing bands on the planet. They've been at it for more than 40 years putting out very consistent work since the start. Though my favorite era of Rush, music wise, was from Caress of Steel to Signals, the rest of their work isn't as dull as people believe. Today they are tighter than ever, and they are simply very good people. What's not to like?!
I love his voice