The Rolling Stones from Best Bands of All Time

The Rolling Stones are an English rock band formed in London in 1962. The original line-up consisted of Brian Jones (rhythm guitar, harmonica), Mick Jagger (lead vocals), Keith Richards (lead guitar, backing vocals), Ian Stewart (piano), Bill Wyman (bass), and Charlie Watts (drums).
Any time an artist produces a body as work as large as The Stones, there are going to be some duds. But in the case of The Stones, they were few and far between. At their best they were the epitome of rock 'n' roll, and were consistently one of the greatest live acts on the planey. My favourite period is the late 60's to early 70's. The only albums of theirs I genuinely dislike are Their Satanic Majesties Request, Black and Blue, Undercover and Dirty Work.
The Stones were arguably the best band on the planet for those years between Beggars Banquet and Sticky Fingers. They lost relevance but they had one hell of a run of brilliant albums. I prefer to remember the high points and ignore the misteps.
The Stones may have the best singles of any of the 60s/70s giants, and Mick Jagger is one of the most entertaining front men rock has ever known. But they never seemed to be able to have more than about three-quarters of a great album, and I wish we could have had more songwriting and vocal contributions beyond the Glimmer Twins.
Rock n roll giants, the albums probably didn't quite reach the heights of their rivals - but one of those legendary groups whose contribution went beyond the music itself.
Never really a big fan, although Main St. was pretty good. Richards is given more credit as a guitarist than he's worth, imo
One of the greatest rock groups of all time.
Without a doubt, the best singles band ever.
If the world was to vote the all time best Rock n'Roll band they would win it clearly and not many artists would disagree they get my vote anyway.
4 brilliant back to back albums from Beggars Banquet through to Exile On Main St, but should have called it a day after that.
I like 70's stones...but i don't dislike at all the 80's and 90's ones too. I think that "Out of tears"... is not worst than "Angie"...and their very last record is a masterpiece like "Let it bleed" or others. What makes the difference is "time"...70's is magic and eternal so...of course....nothing can compare with that decade...but the skill and Richards' riffs...well....they'rs still sharp as a razor edge