Swing Time, by Zadie Smith from Best Books of 2016

Searching for deep, good books to read, one must pay attention to the Swing Time. It is a story of two brown girls. They both want to be dancers, but only one can dance. The other girl knows how to improve rhythm. We witness best friends go separate ways to never see each other again.
I had gotten out of reading fiction until I found a list of books on Steve Gibson’s site, and his interest line up with mine, so yeah, that is the genre i stick to. I was horrible at finding them on my own. I cannot tell you how many books I am 1/3 of the way through and quit on. Still try to read 1 non-fiction book a month. History, business, or apologetics.
Interesting that Swing Time is on there, as I haven’t seen any reviews that went past tepid.
I have no opinion or judgments about the content of this book, but, based on the title alone, this sounds like the title to a book that Brian Griffin would write.