My dearest Hope, I do not know how this will find you. from Best Quotes From The Originals Season 3

My dearest Hope, I do not know how this will find you. As a child full of wonder, a teenager full of opinions, or a woman with the world at her feet. I write to tell you that I love and to explain that in our family's darkest hour I was called upon to save my siblings, so I did. Please do not mourn me. Whatever pain I endure I do so in service of those I love. My sole regret is that I will be away from you. Be good to your mother. I draw comfort knowing that she will protect you, and I know she will not rest until our family is united. Until then, my sacrifice will allow you to grow. To become a beautiful daughter I can now only imagine. Please remember that you are the legacy this family has always desired. The promise we fought to protect. You are and always will be our hope. - Klaus