HabitBull from The Top 10 Tools I Can’t Live Without…

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HabitBull – This is my favorite app on my phone. It allows me to track my goals and build new habits. I have just one habit listed. It’s THE most important habit in my life and ensures that our business continues to grow. Are you curious what it might be? * Writing 1,000 words per day. Creating content is at the cornerstone of our business. New blog posts, emails, podcasts, products, etc… And by writing 1,000 words per day, I’m able to ensure that ALL of those get done. HabitBull is modeled after Jerry Seinfeld’s best productivity secret. Mark a big red ‘X’ on the calendar for each day that you complete your task. Pretty soon you’ll have a chain. Each day the chain will grow longer. And your only job is to not break the chain! HabitBull gives you an automated, virtual way to do that :) But it’s also only for Android. If you have an iPhone, I recommend using another great app called Lift.


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