Bangladesh from Top 10 Worst Countries to Live In

Bangladesh is a country state in Southern Asia (converging with Southeast Asia), bordering the Bay of Bengal to the South, almost entirely encircled by the Republic of India to the West, North and East, and Myanmar to the Southeast. Although off the beaten path by virtually any measurement, Bangladesh is populated by friendly locals.
It Should Be in 1st Place
I live in Bangladesh and it is not good at all. We are so poor that there are plans to shut down all the banks with everyone's money in it so that they can't leave. The country is completely opportunity-less you want to go to a good college? not here! you want to publish a book with benefits for people of color? too bad! you're not privileged enough to recieve this advantage. your pet is dying and you need a veterinarian? TOO BAD. none of the people here are civilized and there aren't even ways to educate yourself. The country is absolutely filthy, don't let people who say "It's so beautiful!" get to you. It is so disgusting and polluted that it will be difficult to breathe without a mask because of all the smoke and air pollution. It is unsafe to the point where is extremely risky to leave the house alone. It is so overpopulated to the point where the country is hand the size of Canada but has double the population of it. As well as the quality of food degrading day by day. Thus, I believe it should be in the first place.
Surprised to see this country isn't number 1. Well, to be honest, there's nothing really good about this filthy country. Pollution is rampant, corruption is everywhere, there's no place for people to recreate and relax, there's ungodly amount of traffic, over populated, the job market is a joke, high inflation and I could go on and on and it wouldn't finish. Not to mention, the people here are the root of all these issues. They are filthy, low life degenerates with no sense of welfare for others, are rude and uncivilized, mostly illiterates, extremely backwards in their thought process, and just plain awful. Like you'd rather wanna live in jungle with animals than live in this hell hole of a country with these so called "people". It has to be the worst country in the world. And yeah, we also have a lot of self proclaimed, self righteous patriots who will deny all these, and bury their fuckin heads in the sand thinking denying these issues magically makes Bangladesh a great nation. These are also the hypocrites who say Bangladesh is a beautiful country and it's great here. I say this to anyone planning to visit here, please do your self a favor and do not come here. Please don't come here unless you wanna be traumatized for the rest of your life. This hell hole doesn't let anyone stay in peace.