Green Day from Best Bands of All Time

These Oakland kings of punk rock are still kicking it. One of the top modern rock bands, a regular and a wanted visitor of Billboard music charts, Green Day stands out a big time when talking about punk. More than 30 years on stage, these golden oldies know what is good music and we love them for it.
Green Day are on the stage since 1986, when 14-year-old Billie Joe Armstrong assembled his friends into an underground band. Green Day was performing in the clubs and gaining popularity step by step. While the period from the birth of the band and up to 1994 was a moderate success with Billy and company were working their way up the rock ladder, the next two years are a pure breakthrough.
Green Day are signed by Reprise and release Dookie, a total hit, which has skyrocketed band’s success, sales, and overall popularity. Guys were on top of commercial summary as their rock machine was going at full speed. After a lengthy period of mediocre success, guys release American Idiot and enjoy a new income of fame, money, and listeners. An album that targeted politics and specifically President Bush simply could not go unnoticed, especially when a good music was backing it up.
Twelve studio albums, Grammy awards, millions of fans, all of the was earned by hard work and sweat on the stage. Green Day still are the kings of punk rock, not listening to anyone and singing about what they please.
Tell us what you think about the music of Green Day and how much are you waiting for the thirteenth album to come out! Share your favorite songs, concerts, lyrics and opinions in the comment box below.
When I was in middle school, I thought this band was the best I had ever heard. but it eventually wore off because there's not much depth to anything.
Meh. Some really good stuff, some really terrible stuff, but mostly just meh.
A tremendously creative band that isn't afraid to change. I keep seeing comments like "Dookie is better than American Idiot", well, OK...the point is that it's not THE SAME. Too many bands just re-hash the same old act - these guys push that envelope while retaining their identities. Love 'em!
These guys were a glorious mess when the first came out... Then they started taking themselves way too seriously. Dookie is WAY better than American Idiot, and it's been downhill since Billie adopted the scenester look. But they were great at first.
Played a huge role in reinventing punk rock, and released a lot of songs that I absolutely love. One of my first loves in music was Green Day.
They use to be favorite group growing up. Now besides for American Idiot, their stuff just all sounds the same. Their newest albums are so bland to me and I don't think their so great anymore.
Green Day is a band I grew up with, and I really have to say it, these guys know how to say such amazing-right thing while you are listening to them. It's a band who renovates punk rock and pop punks with influences of 80's and 90's which makes us know were did music begin. Finally I have to say these guys, the few ones who rest as Metallica and Red Hot Chili Peppers, can manage and make such amazing and catchy songs. I AM AN TRULY IDIOT!!!
Green Day are guys who renovated punk rock in 90's, alternative rock in 2000's and now with Revolution Radio they just keep saying "we are still alive from 88's" they are just amazing. MUCH BETTER THAN MUSIC OF NOWADAYS, these folks are pure gold and they really know how to say the things exactly as you want...
They're overrated (American Idiot is a great album - but not a political masterpiece), but good. Billy Armstrong makes it harder to like them, but their music is great. They have influenced many other bands since the mid 90s, including The Living End and Good Charlotte.
Green Day were the first band I fell in love with as a kid, around the time when American Idiot was released. The following years I bought a lot of their albums - and it was almost the only band I listened to. By 2009 they released 21st Century Breakdown and my love for the band declined... 21st... is okay, but the latest three albums is not to my liking. I fear they'll never reach the heights of Dookie or American Idiot again.