Muse from Best Bands of All Time

One of English best modern bands and worldwide heroes of alternative rock, Muse has already cemented their place in the rock history. Their debut album came out in 1999, despite the band’s foundation in 1994. It took them whole five years to get this thing sorted out properly, defining the sound of the group and stating that they are not in the industry to be forgotten soon. Next album followed up in 2 years, continuing the music ideas of its predecessor and solidifying the band’s positions as one that takes British music to the global popularity.
Third album broke the record, as the first one to stay at the top of UK albums five times in a row. 2006 was the year of Supermassive Black Hole and further extension of international popularity. Introducing electronic and pop elements, the album reinstated the legacy of Depeche Mode and increased the number of people who were looking for the good music and discovered Muse.
Band’s trophy shelf includes two Grammy awards and many British ones as the sign of global recognition and appreciation of their music. The sound itself combines progressive metal, art rock and electronic touches. It is not a rare thing to hear symphonic orchestras in their songs that just indicate how big of a scale these guys are aiming for. Since the global audience discovered Muse, there was no shortage in those who desired to see them in their country, therefore the band is touring all over the world and promise to visit North America in a short time. Are you waiting for Muse to come to your city? Tell us in the comments!
Very good artist. I personally think they are a much better Radiohead because Muse is heavier and they use their instruments instead of making a bunch of ambient noises. Their latest two albums are a little too Radio friendly, but they are still good. Definitely check out Origin of Symmetry, Absolution, and Black Holes and Revelations. You won't be disappointed.
Muse is incredibly talented, and are possibly the best live show on Earth in recent years. Heart-pumping, hyper-active and, well, weird. Muse does what they want, and are very shameless in their sound. 1. Origin of Symmetry 98% - Epic, experimental and stunning 2. Absolution 96% - Strong, heart-pumping and apocalyptic 3. Black Holes and Revelations 87% - Great, lacks something 4. Resistance 78% - Grandeuse, borrows a bit too much 5. Showbiz 75% - Destructive, strong debut 6. The 2nd Law 68% - Excellent songs, but a mess of an album
I do enjoy some Muse especially the earlier works, but there has always been a bad taste in my mouth. I think its from not being able to shake the OK Computer comparisons. I mean, they literally took two tracks off of one of the greatest albums of all time and decided to make a career replicating them.
I'm more torn on Muse than I am on any other band. Muse is obviously one of the most talented bands around today, and some of their songs are absolutely incredible; but other songs are ______. Showbiz, Unintended, Plug In Baby, Hurricanes & Butterflies, Hysteria, etc. have established a ridiculously high bar of excellence that they don't always live up to (especially with their latest releases Exogenesis and 2nd Law). I want to love this band, but I can't. I do like them though.
The last truly great Muse Album and arguably their best (Origin Of Symmetry) Hysteria,Sing For Absolution, Stockholm Syndrome and Butterflies&Hurricanes are huge songs.For anyone that doubts this
Regardless of what I've said previously here Origin of Symmetry is a damn good album. Muse are highly enjoyable in smaller doses, but overconsumption can have a devastating effect on their music.
One of the most talented bands to exist. Amazing singer, guitarist and pianist. Incredible song writing and great style. There is no bad album they have done. ALL of them great and unique in their own way
I agree with RIG. The 2nd Law is a pile of crap, with Panic Station, Animals, and Unsustainable the only half decent songs. The Resistance, as well, horrible apart from Exogenesis. I love this band for the first four albums they produced, as well as the many b-sides that are better than the songs on some of the albums. If you've not heard them, check out Hyper Chondriac Music (a beautiful song that is a down-tempo version of Hyper Music), the Groove (an excellent, catchy bass-line) and Fury as the best three. If you get the chance to catch them live, I would thoroughly recommend it. I've seen them twice, and am seeing them a third time this summer.
I prefer this band to the pop music we get these days. But then again, they aren't great. Most of the time, the music is all over the top, too much and over-produced. The albums sound artificial, too perfect. I get the feeling I'm listening to robots, while I want to listen to humans. Their live show is something else, needs to be seen if you haven't. Their songs benefit from the live settings. Otherwise, they are forgettable. They are still talented musicians and have a couple of great songs.
Hit or miss for me, They have realesed a couple of modern classics but then... I don't know what it is but tehy just dont feel the same, they are terrific live though...
I love almost everything this band has put out. I think their brilliance is lost on most of their young fans, who have come to them via movie soundtracks and video games. Vocally, Bellamy is capable of doing things very few singers will ever be able to do. You will also hear thundering basslines, cruncy guitars and delicate baroque keyboards. They weave together influences such as Queen, Radiohead and King Crimson and turn out their own unique brand of pop/prog that is very accessible for all its complexity.