Radiohead from Best Bands of All Time

How do you distinguish a representative of top modern rock bands? 30 million album sales should help you out a little bit. These English guys from boys’ school showed the world how the real music should be played and became the gods to the music community. The artists themselves mentioned that the influence behind their music was rock, electronica, and even hip-hop. We will have to thank big artists of those styles for inspiring the Radiohead to achieve what they have already and presenting to us some of the best albums in history.
Thom Yorke, the lead vocalist, is the main person behind most of the lyrics and songs and he is the one who created magnificent stories that we still can’t get enough of. Releasing “Creep” in 1996 instantly made Radiohead a known band throughout the world and their third album only increased the popularity. This is the band that was quick to gain the fame and never lets it go, unlike many other quick-born stars, known by only one song. Radiohead guys pressed on and kept creating music that got people by their hearts.
Guys have produced 9 albums so far, collaborating with artists, producers, and orchestras. Top quality content is a deserved landmark of Radiohead and the iconic look of the band members. The sound that they manage to extract from their instruments is sometimes beyond comprehension and that is what we love about these Brits.
What do you think about this gem of alternative music? Are you a creep and a weirdo and not afraid to sing about that publically? Let the community know in the comments! We’re sure there are millions of those who will gladly share the feeling with you.
I've never really understood Radiohead nor have I understood the hype and fanbase surrounding them. I've listened to some of their stuff and, though it is very musically complex and layered, it's very convoluted and dense. Tough to catch on, makes me feel dumb. I'm a big fan of alt-rock, mainly garage rock, and I'd like to keep giving them a try, but I have no idea where I should start and go from there. Any suggestions?
I've never understood the idea that a band needs to ferment to become the greatest of all time. In nine years, the Velvet Underground made four albums (fuck Squeeze) and millions of people adore them and hail them as one of the most influential bands of all time. If music is good, it's always been good since the day it was made, music doesn't just become bad with age, we change and our perception of that music melds it into the classic it is, even though it always was and will be classic. I believe that Radiohead is one of those bands. They've got timeless, beautiful, ambitious music that will always delve into the collective head of humanity and put music and words to our secret thoughts.
If Radiohead are over-rated then so are the rest of the top twenty bands... They are either your favourite band or not, everyone has their own favourite band. Radiohead are second on merit from having quality albums. The people have voiced their thoughts. Whatever you think of them, here are some positive facts: They have never split up since they started in 1985. They never fights with other bands or amongst the band. They don't sell out to Apple or anything. They mutate and search for different sounds/genres. They rewarded their fans by letting fans pay what they want for their 7th album In Rainbows. They are the ultimate role-models in how a band should construct themselves nowadays.
Whether or not their ranking on this site qualifies them as "overrated" I think it's fair to say that Radiohead's ability to push the boundaries of music with every album and somehow succeeding time after time makes them insanely good. That being said Kid A should be higher than OK Computer imo.
Subterranean Homesick Alien is bloody beautiful, that's why it gets 89! Obviously people rate OK computer the best album, so the tracks on their own are going to be highly rated aren't they? Seems there's quite a few jealous people who can't handle that Radiohead is so loved, as much as any band! The guy below saying it bugs him that Radiohead are so rated on this site, but then he says best band of the past 25 years... Make your bloody mind up?
One of the greatest..
One of my favourite bands along with Depeche Mode, Pink Floyd and Genesis.
Radiohead are the best band ever with their discography and they are a current band with many different genres. I always go back to all their albums and think how fresh they sound.
It's exciting to think about how history will look back on this group. How will their musical contributions be understood in the greater narrative? Their importance and influence is already well-documented, and yet they're still making music today. No matter what happens from here on out, it seems as though Radiohead's legacy will only grow over time.
I havent listened the whole discography yet, but what I've have it totally blowed my head. The alternative and experimental music of Kid A, the powerful rock of The Bends, and the perfect masterpiece OK Computer are three albums that should be in every chart. Amazing.
Radiohead is the quintessential 21st century band along with Queens of the Stone Age. These guys know how to explore the unknown when it comes to music just like what Pink Floyd did back in the seventies.
They have been my favorite band for a long time. Nowadays I don't listen to them very often but Kid A, OK Computer and In Rainbows always stand up when I'm listening to them again.
I don't care how overrated they are, they deserve all the praise they get. Radiohead is definitely one of the greatest bands to ever exist. Their albums are all very good (well Pablo Honey was average). They have amazing lyrics and very unique and advanced instrumentation. They know how to make an album flow very well which is one of the reasons their so great. Best albums: Kid A, In Rainbows, OK Computer Best songs: How To Disappear Completely, Paranoid Android, Reckoner, Idioteque, Pyramid Song, Bloom
No way in hell that Karma Police is their second best song. They have at least 50 better songs.