BDlot DVD ISO Master from Best DVD Ripping Tools

Called the best DVD ripper by many, it has a range of possibilities. Primarily, it converts any DVD to an ISO file which you can then store anywhere you want. You can reverse the effect of the software and burn the ISO on any DVD available, providing it has enough space. Plain and simple!
What's the best tool to put DVDs that I have made myself (from home-movie videos, etc.) back onto my hard drive? I'm concerned that my decades of family DVDs will eventually stop playing and I want to render them onto my hard drive. I have found handbrake NOT very good for this. Thank you!
I make iso files for these disks. Then burning them back with the Win7 image burner is easy. I put the iso's in a safe place and if someone needs a new one - presto.
I used to burn a lot DVD movies. My set up was depend on if there is encryption on the disc, I would use the free DVD Decrypter to break the encryption, then shrink it with DVDShrink then burn it to blank discs. I haven't burn DVD for a long time now since it was time consuming and went for straight downloads. My new laptop didn't even have an optical drive :D To my surprise, I got this beautiful external portable blu ray drive as an present, alone with all the cheap blu ray move discs deals I can find in local stores, it sparked new interest of backing up blu ray movies. It appears Handbrake is winning this Best ripping tool contest, but doesn't look like Handbrake can decrypt blu-ray discs copy protection, can it? So should I use the combination of DVDfab and MakeMKV? How big of file does MakeMKV "produce" when it rip blu-ray movies? Possible to shrink or compress the final output files? Thank you for the great post. Always love when Lifehacker does those Hive Five posts :)