Probably everybody, even for the shortest moment of his life, wanted to get a guitar and learn to play it. Some individuals went on and succeeded with this task, others never held a guitar in their hand despite their dreams. Why do people want a guitar? It is a good way to draw attention to yourself during a party or a night next to the fire. For some men, it is a good way to attract women, as we all know how much they like a nice guitar sound. Many beginners want to get better at playing it just that’s the way they feel like. They love music and do not require the guitar for anything other than personal desire. And guitar brands are constantly willing to supply all of the above with the instrument of their own production. This list will define the best guitar brands.
The choice is truly massive today. Acoustic, rhythm, solo, 8-string and many more guitars are available for purchase. Good guitar brands produce fine instruments suitable for most people who only start their path in music or have been around for some time. Nothing too fancy, practical and sounds well. Top guitar brands have their prices higher but it is your chance to get the same guitar your favorite rock star had. And it is hard to match the excellence of their products.
Which brand would you choose? Leave a vote and comment particular manufacturers explaining why it is a good or bad choice for either people new to guitars or masters of it.
Gibson is # 1 but however it's hard to say because there are so many different reason why you choose a guitar.