Moe Szyslak from Best Simpsons Characters

Moe was born on November 24. Moe either illegally immigrated to the United States from Holland or was born in Indiana. He used to have an Italian accent but no longer uses it, hinting at Italian heritage. At some point in his life, Moe ended up on Mt. Everest where he was brought up by his father, a yeti. When Mr. Burns bought the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant and came into Springfield riding an elephant, Moe asked to touch the elephant. The elephant then steps on Moe, giving him his bad looks. As a child, he played the part of "Smelly", a tough kid, on The Little Rascals until he killed Alfalfa (or rather, an orphan portraying as him) in a fit of rage for stealing his bit and was fired. His first kiss was at 10 with Comic Book Guy. At some unspecified time during his childhood, his parents dropped him off at summer camp, and never returned to pick him up, leaving the Summer camp: Camp See-a-Tree, as being the closest that he could call a home. Moe becomes a victim of prank calls when young Marge calls the boys' camp and young Moe answers it. Marge asks to talk to Elvis Jagger Abdul-Jabbar, which is what young Homer introduced himself as to her. Moe, thinking that she is trying to trick him, becomes angry and hangs up. Then he turns and says, "And, uh, that's the origin of that". Moe has stolen many things but a more remembered item is the bag of Aztec coins in which created the criminal snake (metaphorically speaking).