PopularMMOs from Minecraft Youtubers

Pat, or PopularMMOs certainly qualifies to be among the ranks of the best Minecraft YouTubers. A tiny bit less than 12 million subscribers and a staggering number of 8.2 billion views do their job and raise the guy up the YouTube ladder, allowing him to reach the top. It might look impressive that a channel that emerged only in 2012, but the upload frequency can do miracles. Pat manages to release videos on a daily basis, sometimes even more. This keeps subscribers immersed to the guy’s work and never get tired waiting for the new video. It would take a lifetime to watch all his videos but they really deserve the attention.
As far as the content goes, PopularMMOs distinct pattern can be seen from a mile. He puts a lot of effort in creating epic mod showcases, where he breaks down all of the aspects of the specific release and how good or bad is it. Pat implements mods into his let’s plays, enhancing the experience for himself as well as for the audience. He also has his wife Jen featuring in the majority of his videos, which results in a unique and fun commentary. He is famous for creating Mob and Arena Battles as well as new maps and showing people the best he could find on the web. This allows him to keep the channel fresh and to attract new viewers daily without a fear of running out of ideas or losing the subscribers.
What is your opinion about PopularMMOs and the quality of his content? What do you think about him sharing the spoils with his wife and the channel changes since the marriage? Let everyone know in the comment box right below the description!