Japan from Most Hated Country in the World

Japan, known as Nihon or Nippon (日本) in Japanese, is a nation of islands in East Asia. Japan's location on islands at the outermost edge of Asia has had a profound influence on its history. Just close enough to mainland Asia, yet far enough to keep itself separate, much of Japanese history has seen alternating periods of closure and openness. Until recently, Japan has been able to turn on or off its connection to the rest of the world, accepting foreign cultural influences in fits and starts. It is comparable with the relationship between Britain and the rest of Europe, but with a much wider channel.
jap is monkey,so they discriminate against human
Japanese nerds seems to hates theirselves recently.
日本嫌ってる奴の大半は韓国人だろw(Most of the people who hate Japan are Koreans.)
工作バレバレ 好きな国でいつも日本は上位なのに突然嫌いな国に上がるわけ無いじゃん。韓国も工作されて順位上げられてると思う。ネットで手軽に投票できるようにするとこうなるから良くないね。
Filthy monkey
The breeding ground of garbage anime and disgusting underage drawn pornography which the western world feeds on and praises.
I don't hate Japanese people or their cultures. I have friends who are Japanese. They are all open-minded and friendly. I love J-pop, animes and Ghibli movies , and it is one of my top 5 countries that I would love to visit. But one thing that I dislike about Japanese government, is that they never admit. They need to take responsibility for what they did in WW2. They need to admit and apologize for people who suffered from their past misconducts. A lot of young Korean men were unwillingly dragged to battlefield and more than 20,000 young, innocent women were used as a sex toy. Not only S. Korea, but also Chinese, Philippines and Vietnamese. Japanese government claims that these men and women volunteered to be there, but no shit. They were only 12, do you know how young that is? They were told that they will be working clothing factories, not sex toys. Stop trying to deny the history. History is history and it will never change no matter how hard you struggle to change it. WE are the witnesses, As long as the government denies, the fight will never end. AND PLEASE TEACH THE NEW GENERATION WHAT REALLY HAPPEND IN THE PAST AND WHAT JAPANESE ANCESTOR DID. Just look at Germany and how they apologize. We don't want money, we want sincere apologizes. Past is past, and nobody is blaming current Japanese people. We love Japanese people. And please, look up some historical footages before you talk shit.
They discriminate against other Asian people, but sucking White’s ass.
THIS IS A VERY DIGUSTING COUNTRY WITH VERY DIGUSTING ARMY. During WW2 the will rape woman oh not just woman even little girl. They will kill innocent people even today there's many report on raping.
(ヽ´ん`) 「こういうのでいいんだよ」
I don't hate Japanese people or their cultures. I have friends who are Japanese. They are all open-minded and friendly. I love J-pop, animes and Ghibli movies , and it is one of my top 5 countries that I would love to visit. But one thing that I dislike about Japanese government, is that they never admit. They need to take responsibility for what they did in WW2. They need to admit and apologize for people who suffered from their past misconducts. A lot of young Korean men were unwillingly dragged to battlefield and more than 20,000 young, innocent women were used as a sex toy. Not only S. Korea, but also Chinese, Philippines and Vietnamese. Japanese government claims that these men and women volunteered to be there, but no shit. They were only 12, do you know how young that is? They were told that they will be working clothing factories, not sex toys. Stop trying to deny the history. History is history and it will never change no matter how hard you struggle to change it. WE are the witnesses, As long as the government denies, the fight will never end. AND PLEASE TEACH THE NEW GENERATION WHAT REALLY HAPPEND IN THE PAST AND WHAT JAPANESE ANCESTOR DID. Just look at Germany and how they apologize. We don't want money, we want sincere apologizes. Past is past, and nobody is blaming current Japanese people. We love Japanese people. And please, look up some historical footages before you talk shit.
Japan is still a warcriminals and even they use anime platform to forgotten their atrocities and respect them instead, they will never manipulate the history, japan is still a warcriminal and inhumans
I hate Japanese people, or rather I feel that they are very stupid and less than human. The Japanese are savage apes. They always forget the debt of gratitude to the U.S. and Britain for civilization and rapid economic growth, and go on a rampage. And every time they do, they are exterminated. The Pacific War and the lost 30 years are examples. The Japanese do not have the ability to build a civilization on their own, but can only imitate the advanced Western civilization. I hope to see mushroom clouds in the Japanese sky once again.
Fuck country
They used to be so good 30-40 years ago, but nowadays they're horrible
how is japan hated i love japan
land of perverts and racists
I don't hate Japanese people or their cultures. I have friends who are Japanese. They are all open-minded and friendly. I love J-pop, animes and Ghibli movies , and it is one of my top 5 countries that I would love to visit. But one thing that I dislike about Japanese government, is that they never admit. They need to take responsibility for what they did in WW2. They need to admit and apologize for people who suffered from their past misconducts. A lot of young Korean men were unwillingly dragged to battlefield and more than 20,000 young, innocent women were used as a sex toy. Not only S. Korea, but also Chinese, Philippines and Vietnamese. Japanese government claims that these men and women volunteered to be there, but no shit. They were only 12, do you know how young that is? They were told that they will be working clothing factories, not sex toys. Stop trying to deny the history. History is history and it will never change no matter how hard you struggle to change it. WE are the witnesses, As long as the government denies, the fight will never end. AND PLEASE TEACH THE NEW GENERATION WHAT REALLY HAPPEND IN THE PAST AND WHAT JAPANESE ANCESTOR DID. Just look at Germany and how they apologize. We don't want money, we want sincere apologizes. Past is past, and nobody is blaming current Japanese people. We love Japanese people. And please, look up some historical footages before you talk shit.
Why do Japanese people treat Japanese people as monkeys and discriminate against them even though they are complaining that they are racists?
War crime denial.
Why do people are hating on Japan? Haters being so gay istg
Too bad that Japanese culture today is limited to this anime bullshit.
What’s wrong with you guys. It is all from Abe and the followers. Jap needs to turn back as normal in 80s and 90s with right history education.
What’s wrong with you guys. It is all from Abe and the followers. Jap needs to turn back as normal in 80s and 90s with right history education.
Why do people are hating on Japan? Haters being so gay istg
please stop online hate we should stay in harmony our world is dying cuss of us {the whole word`] not only japan as a British girl i miss how things was when we all lived in harmony please don't hate forgiveness is not always the key but at least try to be kind and nice i just want us all to be a happy planet my grade four math teacher is from japan and i LOVE her she is so nice and kind not all people are the same. ????
Japan is a beautiful place you fucking racist people
Japan is a beautiful place you fucking racist people
country with the dirtiest people in the world, no one can be more sinister than the Japanese and I hate this country.
The fact that Japan is hated by China is evidence of Japan's high popularity
Don't forget they outbroke WW2
Japan suck ass,they used anime bullshit to make us forget what they did and don't apologize lmao,they deserved to get nuked by America ????????????
I don't why everyone hates Japan. Maybe it's because of weeaboos?
チー牛ジャップイララで草ァ! 日本人に民主主義はまだ早かったか…w
おい!! これは人種差別主義者だ! 。 。 。 。 マジ
This Japanese claiming China as the reason. Chinese people don't access this website, how are they voting Japan up. Stoopid genocide deniers.
just the government and some of the people there/ most of the citizens are fine
It's so weird that Japan is here. Totally unexpected. Also, if people are hating Japan because of their past, LIKE COME ON THIS IS LIKE ALMOST THE SAME REASON WHY THEY HATE GERMANY COME ON. It's true that the country did a lot before, but they admitted and took responsibility over it. It's the past and as they say "the past is in the past". Also let's not include the whole country when we say its all their fault since when we say the whole country it means it includes the innocent people WHO HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE. Germany and Japan already took responsibility for what they did. Those countries already suffered enough. If the people from these countries would here the racism and the crap people are shoving in their faces they would be very disappointed and hurt. Imagine being innocent and then being added to a fault you never did. How would that feel? Please, let's just forgive them. The countries already took responsibility over their mistakes and remember the past, already happened. We can't do anything about it.
All East Asian countries are fckin terrible. They make me feel bad ????
DONT USE J@P ????????????????????????????
Most people are people who are still crying about the war.
i thought people like japan huh werid
wtf I don't think I've seen a single positive (English) comment on here. Like any country, Japan isn't perfect but it's not like it's the same Japan in WW2. I can understand disliking Japan (because weebus can be pretty annoying) but not for hateful reasons in the comments.
It never happened unless we say it happen
I think Japan is on the rank is due to China . China had great population and it will properly represent significant in any worldwide basis research. Most of the china man hate Japan so even the research done in sampling they still meant a lot. But if china itself rank at the top , it will be realistic as people dont hate their nation normally especially china man is such a race that so call Patriotic. So with a absent of half of the world population voting. They still rank at top , they shall be hated very much