Most Hated Country in the World
Pakistanis are the most disgusting people in the world, but chinese would be a close second. Both the bubonic plague and covid 19 originated in china. Chinese are so filthy and repulsive they eat fundamentally disgusting things like cockroaches and rats. China is a fucking breeding ground for diseases, that's how squalid it is. Slit eyed chinese deserve every hate crime, murder, and racial slur directed at them. They think they're the most superior poeple in the world because they're economy is second largest, but when they move to europe or america, reality hits them like a slap in the face. The west and the middle east hate china, in addition most asian countries including India, Malaysia, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, and Philippines hate china. Chinese were among the most hated nationalities before COVID. After covid every day there's a hate crime against the most evil filthy ugly people on this planet. FUCK CHINESE PEOPLE!
- 6606
world is better off without china.
- 335
this country is a joke. not only being a modern Nazi by wiping out certain ethnic but also has no respect. all they can talk positively about thier country is big land and too many chinese that are just like animals. they have zero morale and have no respect on copyright. they steal intellectual property and make similar chinese version right away. because by doing that, they don't need to contract with original creators. also look. everything china touches becomes shit. look at tiktok, league of legends, blizzard, etc. the world has no more trust in chinese companies nor chinese leadership. look at Zoom. the company run by chinese ceo banned hong kong activists and sent americans data to china. never trust chinese. china is by far most hated country for sure, nuke those animals
- 279
Millions of syrian refugees fled to Lebanon & Turkey and ruining their demographic structure along with causing economic crisis, while raping innocent womans, robbing & killing people... Lebanon & Turkey accepted them but in return syrians do these kind of disgusting stuff... War is over please return to Syria.
- 163
Actually Iran, Russia helped Syria to figthing against ISIS while Syrian government sent official invitation to Iran and Russia to help them, the world must thank Iran especially General Soleimani who defeated ISIS. While the US, Israeil, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates were supporting ISIS and similar groups to destroy Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen. and after that they had dream to invade Iran. That's why the US did terror the Anti terrorism Hero General Soleimani who defeated ISIS and the US lies that Iran attacks American soldiers. The US is 11000 far from their home in middle east creating war in middle east and they obviously told Obama and Clinton are founders of ISIS, they surrounding Iran by lots of US bases and their dream is to invade Iran finialy, And that's just a wet dream. Over 20 years American and European soldiers are in Iraq and Afghanistan and Syria illegally and the safety is even worse than 20 years ago there because the US and Europe and Israeil brought only war and destruction to middle east, while pretending they are fighting against terrorism, in fact they are the terrorists. Their goal is to suck oil and recourses rich countries like Iran, Syria, Iraq which ain't on the US and Saudi Arabia side.
- 106
This country is nice and not evil but there is so many countries want to destroy it like the civil war increased by USA and Saudi and others... And now Russia and USA and Iran are controlling the country and take their resources this country have so many Muslims and Christians and this place so important to the both but everyone want to take it ,,,
- 31
Everyone knows... They are fucking ugly Racists who don't show any sense of respect to other Religions, the Country is just too Religious belong Shias and more, even that they are supporting the most Terrorist Orginiziation in the world (Hezbollah), trying to explain how they're fighting Israel even though they are actually destroying the Middle East instead, just a fucking worthless Country who needs to get punished as soon as possible
- 284
They killed so many people for what
- 255
Don't travel there
- 253
I am dying with this propaganda! Israel is the only democracy that has free rights to its citizens in the Middle East. You people keep listening to one side and not the other. There is reason for everything an Israeli does we are very nice people and don’t kill people for no reason. We are a loving country, for instance in ANY middle eastern country WOMAN HAVE NO RIGHTS! LGBTQ+ IS BEHEADED. and you guys defend barbaric people? Stop hating because it’s a trend. JEWS were destined to this land! It is our only land. And we attempted to share it with Arabs but they tried to kick us off after WW2 and we fought back. We won the war they started and tried over 8 times to give peace treaties. Pls read more. Educate yourself it is important rather then to follow idiots! עם ישראל חי????????
- 4475
Israel is the most beautiful country
- 2359
What the hell are these antisemetic comments
- 720
holy sh*t are you talking real sh*t or you just heard that from some racist? iraqi people are the most generous and kind people I've ever got to know you can't talk like that about them. and for the "women racism" you're wrong, ok there are restrictions about the hijab and stuff but that only applies for the religious places, and every family has there own freedom about the hijab. for the 11y.o girl you've talked about yeah there are some psychopaths like in every other place in the world.
- 56
Iraqi people are the most disgusting people you’ll ever be know first of all as a woman who lived her whole life there they’re too racist against women whenever girls being harassed there they kill the girl or force her to marry someone she doesn’t know by the name of “honour” one time a girl of 11 years old was forced by her Iraqi family to marry a 52 year old man, she was crying and begging them that she’s still a child and she doesn’t want to do this but no one listened to her because she’s a “girl”! Another thing is the kills, they kill each other and when they got to the jail they just let them out after it when the family of the killer pay money like WTF seriously wtf and there was one time when there was a protests and some of them where having some drugs near to a 16 years old kid who’s living alone with his mother he told them to stay away of his house and his family but they killed him right front of his mother’s eyes and told everyone that he was against them and he tried to stop the protests so the MOTHERF*CKERS mutilated his corpse front of thousands of people and didn’t even ask his mother what REALLY happened that was the most painful thing I’ve ever witnessed in this shitty country and there’s no way I’ll forgive them for doing this EVER And another thing they’re so selfish like VERY MUCH I remember that time when that British tourist came to Iraq and they were literally making fun of her and she was laughing didn’t know what was happening I really felt bad for her and hated them even more so yall please don’t get tricked by what you see in social media about Iraq because it’s a true jungle of animals Allah will never forget what you did to these poor kids and will never forget what you did to the others
- 37
Don't listen to that idiot who wrote those comments. These are all fakes.
- 29
- 49
This country doesn’t deserve to be the biggest nation, it’s a communist country with a very dark past.
- 48
Well back in 1940 June-July the Estonians was invaded by old Russia aka Soviet Union
- 46
Saudi Arabia
A country which supports terrorists in the world, don't need to explain.
- 126
This country is responsible for 11 September 2001 attacks and ISIS members mostly from this country, responsible for civil war in Yemen, destruction of Syria and Iraq by It's ISIS & Alghaedeh terrorist groups and murdering around the world, harsh rules against women rights. A bunch of primitive people who got nothing just oil and money seeking to purify their bad image in the world with money buying weapon from USA, EU, and Israel. The world will stop Saudi Arabia's terrorism and this country will pay for it.
- 110
All countries must boycott and ban this terrorist racist country, murdered Khashoggi and many others.
- 77
United States
I’m assuming you are talking about Biden because he was the one whitewashing schools. Remember when he told the news he didn’t want his kids growing up in a racial jungle? If we could keep a rep president around for longer this country would be far above China but instead we are awaiting its take over with an Alzheimer ridden cheater at the helm.
- 325
This country is terrible. Both sides are even agreeing that they have a corrupt system and president. it is just terrible. There are literal human rights issues that are going on right now and the president responded by saying he brought back football. It is just disgusting. I cannot understand how he won.
- 223
He is a dirty person. He doesn't believe in science and he's a misogynistic narcissist. He wants to whitewash American schooling even more. People are just realizing that this country was built on oppression and you cannot change it. Vote him out.
- 108
India is the worst country in the world,indians are the most stupid people with the most stupid religion they literally drink cow urine and carry cow waste across the ports,they still believe in illogical myths when the world have been advanced,they even don't use toilets and half the country shits anywhere they want,more over they have radical RSS and always opress minorities like sikhs,jains,muslims and Christians ,india has been constantly violating human rights in kashmir,india is so much hated that indian flag is used to describe P*NIS(male private part),worst place for women, daily Hundred of women are raped killed and abused,indians all have extremist mindset muslim a significant minority is constantly being crushed,they are the best gamblers in the world many international companies have policy that no indian employees are accepted here,most of the frauds done in Europe are committed by Indians,Indians are scammers beaware of them!
- 432
Indian Are Disgusting! They Spread Lies And Believes In Bulshit! They Are Radical People In The World
- 283
people use hand to eat shit
- 271
Pakistanis are literally the most vile disgusting and repulsive people you can meet. They think they're somehow better than India despite having lost 4 wars to them and surrendering like the cowards they are. Paki fucktards then take their inferiority complex out on the innocent Hindus and Sikhs living in PORKistan. Everyday hundreds of minority girls are abducted and converted to that bastard pedophile warmonger Muhammed's stupid religion. Additionally most PORKistanis are delusional that their third world shithole can challenge and defeat India. These fucking hypocrites have 60 million people without access to a toilet while India has 97% sanitation cover. Pakistan has a 50% literacy rate with literacy decreasing every year. Pakistanis are inbred retards and they breed like cockroaches wherever they go. Pakistanis watch child porn and fantasize about having sex with animals. Literally every country hates pakistan because their currency is pathetic and they are a terrorist state. India should drop an atomic bomb on pakistan to finish this disgusting race from the planet. I HATE PAKISTAN!!!!!!! WORLD LAUGHS AT THE PATHETIC PISSLAMIC STATE OF PAKSHITSTAN!!!!!!! EVEN CHINESE PEOPLE HATE PAKISTAN, THEIR COUNTRY WANTS TO ENSLAVE PAKSHITSTAN AS PART OF THEIR IMPERIAL EXPANSION PROGRAM, BUT PAKIS ARE TOO RETARDED TO REALIZE THAT AND INSTEAD ARE HAPPY TO ACT AS SLAVES TO CHINESE AND ARABS!!!!
- 296
best country. been there. not at all how the media portrays it.
- 250
best country. been there. not at all how the media portrays it.
- 195
- 110
jap is monkey,so they discriminate against human
- 79
Japanese nerds seems to hates theirselves recently.
- 64
South Korea
South Korea (한국, 韓國 Hanguk), officially the Republic of Korea (대한민국, 大韓民國 Daehan Minguk) is a country in East Asia. South Korea occupies the southern half of the Korean Peninsula, with North Korea to the north, China across the sea to the west and Japan a short ferry ride to the southeast.
I hope Japan kill all the gook and enslaved all the women because all gook are fucking ugly with slant eye, bowl cut dick head, they face just make me disgusting the only way to make them beauty is plastic surgery and they are all look the same. Discrimnate all the dark skins and Southeast peoples, Ignorant gook think they are the origin culture of all east asian, Being enslaved by Japan and China made them dream all days, Every day they brag about how prosperous their culture is, no one care they shit culture. when you delve deeper, they are a bunch of inferior people who take pride in drinking poop wine and eating a bunch of peppers with cabbage
- 275
I am tired of South Koreans, They are too stupid to realise what they are doing is making people sick. If you want to get the small island in Japan. why dont they file the case to the international justice court? Japan has asked for that many times, If they want to have S Korea protected without paying a penny, why dont they treat American armies nicely? The American ambassador was assaulted for no reason. If they truly believe S Korean women were forced to work as sexual slaveries. why cant they show evidence of forced labor? Japan has paid too much money. more than they deserve, S korea should pay the same amount of money to Vietnamese who were atrociously raped and killed by S Koreans during Vietnam War. I also hate their audacity to mess around universities all over the world by pretending they are the most trustable victims, Dont use authorities for your own ethnical satisfaction.
- 92
Korean people tend to mix all of the things up with entertainment, art, sport politics and historical problems. They have asked Japan to apologize about comfort women for long time but Japan officially apologized at least three times but they never admit it but got a lot of money from Japan few times. Korean government has been using Japan for political strategy. When they lost their popularity rating, they bring Japan and start anti Japan demonstration. And provoked their own nation. See their successive presidents subsequences. How many people are beyond the bar? Korean people let them to handled their country to these kind of presidents. Who chose them? That’s Korean people. I can’t trust them. They haven’t. Noticed how they have been manipulated by their government. Plus people should know where the money goes that Japanese government paid for comfort women. demonstrating anti J
- 72
Worlds worst, a bunch of Neanderthals, this country should be most hated, with all the disgusting things it has done to other countries.
- 125
Bro stop being racist my guy
- 116
- 48
United Kingdom
The most overrated country ever and I will always stand on this. I visited England in 2019 I was so excited because it always looked magical on the Internet it’s a shithole in reality they have the worst weather it’s always foggy and cloudy and it rains all day long the weather there is so depressing and ruins everything British people are some of the most self-conscious and racist people I’ve seen they are so discriminative against Indians they talk to them and treat them in a really rude way there’s also nothing to see there like London I did not find it interesting at all i only liked one or 2 malls and Oxford alright & way better than London however in general it’s really overrated not nearly as good as it looks on the Internet they also have the absolute most terrible food ever their McDonald’s is the worst some of them cook rice and chicken without adding any spices to seasonings and say it taste good I just hope no one ever has to taste theirfood also their stupid Karen accent makes everything worse and let me mention fucked up government
- 70
Always have been same with US and Israhell. But unlike them you can never hear theie crimes .Very professional at being deep and silence
- 38
Doesn't respect other region
- 33
They’re a bunch of little pansies who suck China’s shlong, especially Macron, the old France would be ashamed of what a bunch of sissies this queer country is
- 77
He could be any one of us! he could be in this very room he could be you he could be me he could even be.. *BOOM* What? it was obvious, he's the red spy. Watch he'll turn red any second now.... Any second now. SEE RED! Oh wait, that's blood.
- 49
Gave an unfair punishment to Germany
- 34
Probably the countries who hated philippines is stinkyporeans and chonk-hong they are full of themselves that the filipinos took their jobs thats why they deserve for being piece of shit a country small countries with small brains. ( also colombians fucking drug dealer country probably drugs is your spices in your foods.)
- 34
The thing is, the only people that hate Filipinos are either the Japanese (most are fucking racists anyway except for White people) or Filipinos themselves. Especially now with the current administration destroying the economy and licking the ass of the CCP.
- 33
not really first op, some of the people that hate filipinos are from south east asia
- 30
Afghanistan used to be one of the best countries in the middle east and jealous countries like Pakistan have helped terrorists to destroy Afghanistan. The people of Pakistan support the Taliban but they don't want them in their own government. This goes to show how the people and government of Pakistan are scumbags and selfish.
- 31
i hate their new goverment
- 30
Taliban Country simply... lol
- 13
Wierd to why this country is on here? Its only hated for its obnoxious and horrible accent Southerners and ‘pub crawlers’ CERMON ENGERLERND SCOR SOM FACKIN GOWLS
- 26
Everyone used to hate them because of their superiority syndrome. Since Brexit they continuously shoot themselves in the foot and laugh, thus becoming the court Jester of Europe. Only country that thinks the medieval Ages were good times.
- 23
Have you got loicense for that, mate?
- 12
Bruh imagine hating on a country for its past simply stupid yall kids cry about anything this days
- 74
The most pretentious of all countries in the world. A nation of psychopaths and US-sycophants that has been betrayed and now betrays its own working class. A ruthless war criminal without which the US could not have bombed the middle east or Africa. Most of the world would be in peace without Germany, despite USA's presence. Most hated countries order should be: #1 - Israel #2 - USA #3 - Germany Everything else in the world is these three nations fault.
- 33
Bruh imagine hating on a country for its past simply stupid yall kids cry about anything this days
- 28
I have nothing against Canada. Only, stupid Trudeau is their prime minister. The equal of our Macron.
- 57
No swearing in the comment.
- 38
Almost as pretentious as Germany. Artificial friendliness and political correctness - which directly oppresses free speech - and one of the most environmental destructive shit nations on earth.
- 31
Are you guys on crack? Somalia is not the enemy of the USA. Somalis just want their sovereignty & half of their land known as the Ogaden region was given to Ethiopia by the Europeans. Also America's ally Saudi Arabia is the one that funds pro-wahabbi teachers in Somalia & probably funds al-shabaab too. Somalia used to be a liberal country. Somalis were betrayed by the Russians during the presidency of Siyad Barre. Many somalis live in USA without problems. Many US and EU multinationals dump toxic waste in our costal region that's one of the reasons the so called pirates attack them because they threaten the lives of fisherman. No one shows you this in your stupid propaganda films. Leave somalis alone and they will leave you alone.
- 17
- 16
They keep threating the usa they will all die
- 11
Serbia is beautifull country with beautifull people and always bad president... Kosovo is Serbia
- 59
KOSOVO JE SRBIJA ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
- 35
As someone from serbia. Fuck serbia, fuck kosovo, fuck the balkans, some of the most narrow minded shitheads in the world
- 33
thats not true Italians don't suck, they're so kind and their food is amazing.
- 49
Italians suck
- 31
I like Italy cause of the Roman Empire and PIZZA
- 27
Qatar (قطر "kat-ir") is a peninsula jutting into the Persian Gulf, to the east of Saudi Arabia, East of Bahrain and West of the Emirates.
nigga my country didnt do anything bad it was saudi arabia uae and egypt that hated us and gave us a bad reputation those motherfuckers dont even know how to wage war and now they here making problems with us and spreading lies about ma niggas i aint doin anything bad to em
- 24
Definitely one of the worst counties, because of the modern day slavery taking place there. It’s absolutely disgraceful!
- 16
You wouldn’t want war with us my neighborhood alone can concur your little country plus you support terrorism and help them
- 8
Fuck off commie you don't like it leave then.
- 48
as an australian i can confirm that is all we do
- 18
this dumbasses are so full of them self they sit around all day riding kangaroos and chucking boomarangs
- 15
The reason I hate Greece is because there are many murderous barbarians in this country.
- 22
very aggressive and unfriendly. In addition, I can hear in my own country (Germany) how shit Germans are. Greeks in our country are very stupid and retarded religious weirdos. Simply barbarians far from civilization
- 18
Racist, Fake country, stolen from turkey
- 16
Argentina, (Spanish: República Argentina) is a large, elongated country in the southern part of South America, neighbouring countries being Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay to the north, Uruguay to the north east and Chile to the west. In the east Argentina has a long South Atlantic Ocean coastline.
can i put my balls in yo jaws
- 31
Overbearing, ignorant and rude. They feel superior while barely managing to sustain themselves as a nation.
- 15
Argentines are arrogant, they think they're the best at everything they do, but their economy it's a shit. and they've gone almost 30 years without winning a title in football, and they think they're the biggest in the world. Besides being an ugly place, without any color, Buenos Aires is totally gray, no fun, like São Paulo
- 9
the only thing that sucks is your moms ass
- 22
Larson is from Sweden he is the sweetest kindest being and honestly u are just jealous u cant be like Larson. He is so cute and so wonderful and I would kill for him. I honestly cannot live without him and you all need to notice that he is the most brightest, wonderful, angelic thing that has happened to earth and since he is from Sweden i like Sweden. plus meatballs. Plus he is my boyfriend.
- 14
mojang suck
- 13
Cuba is the largest Caribbean island, between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. It lies 145km (90 miles) south of Key West, Florida, between the Cayman Islands and the Bahamas, to the west of Haiti, east of Mexico and northwest of Jamaica.
The Cuban government has a sick obsession with Darwin
- 7
a country with potential but our government is so incompent that it ruins its potential aswell as a war mongering state being involved in many wars in the middle east and africa
- 7
nahhh what the fuck judge the president
- 6
South Africa
I hate Boers, they are racist imperialist assholes who took over the best land from the poor natives. Douchebags.
- 8
people who hate Mexico are fucking idiots Mexico has suffered a lot and people are hating them look what I said earlier people who hate Mexicans are fucking idiots and motha fucking bitch so if you hate Mexico shut the fuck up your fucking bitch. you're also a fucking asshole
- 16
- 12
people who hate Mexico are fucking idiots Mexico has suffered a lot and people are hating them look what I said earlier people who hate Mexicans are fucking idiots and motha fucking bitch so if you hate Mexico shut the fuck up your fucking bitch. you're also a fucking asshole
- 10
Shut the fuck up man, your being fucking retarded, you say every country is bad you fuckin coward. But yes the us indis north korea China al lthose coutnries are stupid, but why choose germany and Iceland? They didnt do anything, germany is a great country you fuckin twat
- 14
The reason why Iceland is the 33rd most hated country on earth because it is a safe,rich,developed and least corrupt country.
- 12
"Both Icelanders and Germans are imperialist, racist motherfucking assholes full of shit." you better shut your fucking mouth when you're talking. I bet you haven't even visited those countries nor met the people there. You're just here to be an asshole because nobody gives you attention in real life.
- 4
I like direct democracy and their knives, but the way they speak German is a crime
- 10
China, officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a unitary sovereign state in East Asia and the world's most populous country, with a population of over 1.381 billion. Covering approximately 9.6 million square kilometres (3.7 million square miles), it is the world's second-largest state by land area[ and third- or fourth-largest by total area.[i] Governed by the Communist Party of China, it exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four direct-controlled municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing) and the Special Administrative Regions Hong Kong and Macau, also claiming sovereignty over Taiwan. China is a great power and a major regional power within Asia, and has been characterized as a potential superpower.