Qatar from Most Hated Country in the World

Qatar (قطر "kat-ir") is a peninsula jutting into the Persian Gulf, to the east of Saudi Arabia, East of Bahrain and West of the Emirates.
Qatar (قطر "kat-ir") is a peninsula jutting into the Persian Gulf, to the east of Saudi Arabia, East of Bahrain and West of the Emirates.
nigga my country didnt do anything bad it was saudi arabia uae and egypt that hated us and gave us a bad reputation those motherfuckers dont even know how to wage war and now they here making problems with us and spreading lies about ma niggas i aint doin anything bad to em
Definitely one of the worst counties, because of the modern day slavery taking place there. It’s absolutely disgraceful!
You wouldn’t want war with us my neighborhood alone can concur your little country plus you support terrorism and help them
my country is the safest, and it's so Peace out there, not those Arab countries hating in us.
my country is the safest, and it's so Peace out there, not those Arab countries hating in us.
Supports rebels in Syria and iraq