Come on Morty. Please Morty. You have to do it, Morty. from Top 10 Best Rick and Morty Quotes

Rick: We’re gonna have to go through interdimensional customs. Sooo you’re gonna have to do me a real solid.
Morty: Uh oh.
Rick: When we get to customs, I’m gonna need you to take these seeds into the bathroom and I’m gonna need you to put ’em wayyyyy up inside your butthole.
Morty: My butt?
Rick: Put ’em wayyy up inside there, as far as they can go.
Morty: Oh jeez Rick. I really don’t want to have to do that.
Rick: Well, someone’s got to do it, Morty. These seeds aren’t gonna get through customs unless they are in someone’s rectum, Morty.
Morty: uhhh…
Rick: They’ll fall right out of mine. I’ve done this too many time, Morty. You’re young, you have your whole life ahead of you. And your anal cavity is still taut yet malleable. You gotta do it for grandpa, Morty. You gotta put these seeds inside your butt.
Morty: My butt?
Rick: Come on Morty. Please Morty. You have to do it, Morty.
Morty: Oh man…