Inkscape from Top 10 Free Alternatives to Expensive Software

Inkscape 1 100x100


Paint.Net is another great alternative for Photoshop and even GIMP if you don’t need anywhere near the amount of functionality and power of those programs, but still need something better than basic Paint.

Agreed. I do moderate photo/meme manipulation and gives me all the tools I need for basic modifications. (To the point that I donated some money to them.)

Yeah, I wish Lifehacker would do post of people’s favorite digital drawing/photo editing apps, because I hate Gimp with a passion and I believe there are many better alternatives out there. To name a few: Krita (Windows) Medibang/Fire Alpaca (Windows) Sketchbook for Android and Windows (If you register for the free version you get a few more layers) Paint.NET (As mentioned above, also for Windows) Fresh Paint (Windows) Picsart (Android - There is a Windows version, but it sucks) I’m sorry I can’t mention any Mac apps. Maybe some Mac users can add to this list.

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