Libre Office from Top 10 Free Alternatives to Expensive Software

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“seamless” between Office and Libreoffice isn’t exactly what I’d call it. Documents lose and presentations a lot of formatting especially importing MS documents. It’s a capable platform, but still not 100%.

This has been a constant problem in my office. Margins go awry, and that means pagination is not consistent. I should also note that (IME) the *Office programs just don’t seem to be as fast at starting up on Windows as MSOffice, and they still have a little bit of a klutzy feel. They’re way better than anything free has any right to be. But MSOffice is still well ahead in the race.

It does work quite well 95% of the time, but occasionally, something in the metadata of the files created/edited is not quite fully “according to MS”; I’ve had several web sites that somehow find uploaded .doc or .docx files unacceptable (well, yeah, resumes). Ironically, though, some of these same sites do accept .odf files. Go figure.

The SO is a technophobe, and had to buy a new laptop that came with win10. It came with a trial version of Office, so she started using it. When it popped up with “Office 365 required” I promptly installed LibreOffice and she’s never looked back. Just a shame Libre doesn’t support document scrolling on a touchpad properly, otherwise she’d be happy.

This is true, but Microsoft itself can’t get cross-version formats to play nicely, either. Opening a 2003 file in 2016 has the potential for all kinds of oddities, though the majority will be roughly the same. (And that’s my experience for LibreOffice.)

I would be more than happy to get rid of Ms Office. But I am not willing to get rid of my files created in Office, or stop using templates created by others in Office. I have never had a problem using Office files created in the latest version in my 2003 Office with the provided free Microsoft conversion programs., but I have huge problems with opening files compatible with 2003 in Libre Office, so no, it is not even a choice yet, just removed Libre from my computer for the umpteenth time this week.

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