Microsoft from Top Software Companies

The household name “Microsoft” is the king of all the IT companies in the world. Since 1975, none of the competitors have been able to overshadow the innovation and popularity of this IT giant. In financial terms Microsoft has been able to exhibit a fabulous performance with annual turnover touching $72.1 Billion hallmark last year. Headquartered in Redmond Washington, Microsoft has been dominating the Desktop OS and Office Productivity market for several decades. Today the flagship product “Microsoft Windows” is most widely used operating system and “Microsoft Office” is the most used Enterprise Solution available in the market today. That’s not all Microsoft is catering mobile, home computer and enterprise software market pretty well. It owns Hotmail (the largest email service) and Windows Phone 8 the upcoming sensation in Mobile OS market which reflects it would be a big surprise to see Microsoft drop down its position in upcoming years. Currently the analysts estimate market value to be $273.5 Billion which is quite huge.