Blade of Mercy from Best Bloodborne Weapons

A special trick weapon passed down among hunters of hunters. One of the oldest weapons of the workshop. Splits into two when activated. The weapon's warped blades are forged with siderite, a rare mineral of the heavens. Most effective in swift attacks, such as after a quick-stepping.
I'm also prety sure its the only weapon in any fromsoft soulslike game that deals more damage off of a dash/roll. Meanimg its beneficial to quickly enter combat because of that nice extra damage.
I'm also prety sure its the only weapon in any fromsoft soulslike game that deals more damage off of a dash/roll. Meanimg its beneficial to quickly enter combat because of that nice extra damage.
It looks similar to a Egyptian Kopesh.
If i get arcane up to 15 arcane can the shell make these blades stronger?
Nope, this weapon has inherient arcane damage and therefore cannot be buffed with bolt/fire paper or the phantasm shell.
does the scaling go any up? because i think that a C is a bit meh
Think to B. Most of the scalings on weapons are crap in this game honestly unless they are heavy weapons like the Kirk Hammer and Ludwigs Holy Blade.
Is weapon gets an S scaling at +10 on skill, I believe it also gets a B or A on arcane as well. Very powerful weapon with some of the highest DPS in the game if you focus on skill and arcane.
Why can't you use fire or bolt paper on the blade of mercy? Or use the empty phantasm shell? Is it because the weapon already does arcane damage?
Yeah it sadly enough is :/ just like the other weapons with arcane/blood/fire/bolt on it, so there actually not many weapons that can be buffed with fire papers or the empty shell which is a big shame imo...
if you aren't allowed to use buffing papers on weapons that already do arcane/blood/fire/bolt, then how come you can use fire paper and bolt paper on Ludwig's Holy Blade? It has arcane damage.
Ludwig's Holy Blade doesn't have arcane damage, it has arcane scaling.