Rain Improvement from Best Fallout 4 Mods

This retextures the rain effect because the vanilla one just looks like a blurry something but not rain. It also retextures the ripples seen as rain hits the water to make them look more like rain is actually hitting the water and causing more of a disturbance. Fully recommended to be used with 'Louder Rainy Sound' for a more immersive effect. VERSION HISTORY: 1.0: Initial release 2.0: Made the rain look like it is falling more heavier and added a bit of colour to the drops (let me know if the colours stand out too much with SweetFX or Reshade). Improved the normal map. Improved the ripples to have a more natural movement to them. 3.0: Made the rain thinner and more transparent. Fixed a corrupt gradient texture for the ripples, now working how I wanted them to. 4.0: Redone the rain from scratch, now completely new textures. I've made the drops smaller, now looks more proportional. I've virtually eliminated those horrid cuts which are in the vanilla effect as well and pretty much all rain retextures so far, in fact I can't notice them at all whilst the effect is running. This is as close to real rain as I can possibly achieve with the way the game engine runs the