Best Feel-Good Movies
Waste allocation load lifter, Earth-class is a creation of Pixar Animation Studios. According to the plot, the earth is not good for life that is why the main hero flies to space and sends robots that will improve the conditions on the planet. We can name it as a happy movie.
The Breakfast Club
This good movie became a new trend in the cinematography for teenagers. The central figures are students of the high school who are punished. Their task is to spend whole weekends in the library and write an essay “Who am I?” Undoubtedly, it is interesting to find out the thoughts of guys.
Mrs. Doubtfire
The main actor of Mrs. Doubtfire is Robbin Williams. This great movie to watch will be interesting both for adults and children. Daniel Hillard is disappointed with his life because he lost a job and broke down with a wife. Nevertheless, he knows how to change the life.
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
According to cinematographic data, this is a really good movie. The main plot is based on the novel of Steven King. The life story of the main character will make you nervous that is why this film is very exciting. Do you have any ideas about the essence of its plot?
Back to the Future
Have you ever dreamed to travel to future or past? Watch this really good movie and find out how to do it. The main character is a teenager who had a chance to travel from 1985 to 1955. It is a time when his parents were students. This summary will invoke you to watch a film.