Best Facts About Nymphomaniacs
Too Much Of A Good Thing?
What is a nymphomaniac? It is proved that this feeling can be occurred by the luxury things, in particular eating delicious food, luxury dwelling, etc. That is why women cannot resist the temptation of good things that surround them. What should be done in such case?
Yesterday’s Nymphomaniacs Are Today’s Sex Addicts
According to the current medical investigations, such term as “nymphomaniacs” does not exist. Doctors ensure that a woman who has an abnormal desire to sexual relationship is addicted. There are no defined criteria that can depict this health condition. Nevertheless, modern science tries to make the credible conclusions and submit them in books.
It’s Not All Fun and Games
The debt, problems with the law, damaged relationships (marriage, friends, family) can serve as the cause for such type of relationship. Admittedly, we can find some positive aspects of the nymphomania definition, but, as a rule, its background is doleful. Do you believe that it can be a reflection of the poor childhood?
Nymphomaniacs Don’t Even Enjoy Sex?!
We can define nymph as a person who wants to avoid painful feelings through sexual relationship. As a rule, when you do something regularly, it becomes boring and annoying. Perhaps, we have the same situation with sex. There are no doubts that this is a good issue to discuss.
No Boys Allowed
The term “nympho” relates to female rather than a male counterpart. The question concerning this statement is rather controversial as according to Greek culture men was used to lead similar sexual life. Perhaps, it is connected with the women nature because they are more delicate. Admittedly, these are only stereotypes that should be broken.
Nymphomania Is A Sin
In Christianity and Hinduism, there is no strict prohibition of nymphomania. The Bible says: “Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.” It means that a person cannot influence the course of his desires.
Nymphos Are Sick
Do you have any ideas about nympho women? Medics of the last century considered nymphomaniacs as sick women and tried to find a remedy for this illness. Unfortunately, there are no methods to overcome this natural temptation. Nevertheless, history shows that the society does not respect the representatives of this tendency.
Nymphomania Is Not A Sin
Perhaps, you will ask: “What is a nympho and is it a sin?” Unfortunately, there is no precise answer to this question as the aim of religions is “to teach married women to walk in sexual freedom with their husbands.” It means that we have to use and be aware of this way of existence.